Every Worker Deserves
Employees naturally find it a challenge to confront employers in the face of unfair treatment. The loss of a job or even a reduction in hours can quickly put you or your family in financial peril. It’s natural to be under immense strain when you are being mistreated at work. Your livelihood and that of your household have been endangered, and you may have nowhere to turn. Berenji Law Firm, A Professional Corporation, is devoted to advocating on your behalf.
With locations in Los Angeles and Irvine, our law firm has extensive experience representing California workers in a wide range of legal matters. You will work closely with a skilled employment lawyer who will carefully review your case and perform a thorough investigation, developing a strong case strategy that both upholds your right to employment and asserts the legal protections available to you.

Our Practice Areas
Employees are entitled to receive the proper compensation for hours worked or tasks completed.
- Wrongful
Termination DISCOVER MOREIf you have been wrongfully terminated, you will likely feel betrayed, stressed and angry.
- Workplace
Discrimination DISCOVER MOREDiscrimination in the workplace can take several forms, ranging widely from harassment and an unbearable work environment to bad territories or sales assignments
- Sexual
Harassment DISCOVER MORESexual harassment can come in many forms, and each of them is as unforgivable and unlawful as the next.
- Whistleblower Protection
And Employer Retaliation DISCOVER MOREWhen you take action based on your employer’s unlawful or unfair behavior in the workplace, there are a number of protections in place to ensure you receive no backlash.
- Disability
Discrimination DISCOVER MOREEmployers are prohibited from discriminating against employees on the basis of a permanent or temporary disability.

While there are numerous federal protections for those in the workplace, the state of California provides even more rigorous protection. We are deeply versed in all areas of employment law, and as former employment defense lawyers we are often able to combat the strategies and tactics employers use to infringe upon your rights.
This is more than just a legal battle, it’s an emotional and psychological one as well. That is why our attorneys listen carefully to your questions and concerns so we can take some of the stress and burden off your shoulders, helping you choose the most effective path to meet your goals — whether through negotiation, mediation or litigation.
Pregnancy Discrimination
If your employment has been negatively effected by your pregnancy or the birth of your child, your employer may have violated your legal rights and you should contact us immediately. Berenji Law Firm, A Professional Corporation is committed to protecting you and your family’s right to have a child without the risk of losing your job and related benefits.
Wage and hour class action settlement on the behalf of movie theater employees against California Cinema Investments, Inc. This settlement was featured in a news articles…
Choose Us?
Choosing an attorney is a huge decision that can have a big impact on your future. You need to know that you are getting your money’s worth, and that your case is being treated with the respect and urgency it deserves.
We want to make it clear that your case is OUR case, and winning it for you is our highest priority. We combine a personalized approach with the level of experience, knowledge and dedication you expect from your attorney. At the same time, we treat every case with absolute sensitivity so you can protect your livelihood.
Learn more about our strong track record and our passion for protecting California workers during a free initial consultation. Call 888-900-2573 or 310-747-5097 to schedule your appointment, or reach out online to get started. Se habla español!